Pattern No: A8862

Pattern Name Design Type Designer Likely Design Date
Not known Print - enamelled prints Not known 1950


The pots shown are good examples of the Henry Heath prints used by Gray’s Pottery in the 1940s and 50s. Seven of the eight prints shown here are examples in The Art of Tormenting series – left to right, top to bottom: 4(8) and 4(7), Scenes in London 17 and 4(4), 4(5) and 4(9), 4(1), 4(1). See the Prints & Verses, Henry Heath, The Scrapbook section of the website.

The dish shown in the last image is of a shape known as a ‘shell butter’ at Gray’s Pottery.

All the pots so far recorded for pattern A8862 are in the USA.

Similar Patterns

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