Pattern No: 1922

Pattern Name Design Type Designer Likely Design Date
Not known Early designs Not known 1920


Gray’s Pottery produced mounted biscuit barrels from 1915 through to 1921, a period when this table/sideboard accessory must have been very much in vogue. The mounts (the metalwork rim and handle) are usually EPNS (electro-plated nickel silver) and are held on to the pot with a plaster-of-Paris cement.
The shapes of both the pots and the mounts vary considerably, as seen by some examples in the group image of eight barrels (and which includes a 1934 cane-handled example).

Twelve examples of biscuit barrels have been recorded for pattern 1922 (two in Australia, one in South Africa, the rest in the UK): they are all square (as in the example shown) but three different mounts are in use.

The fruit bowl in the lower image has an EPNS mount.

Similar Patterns


All the barrels here with metal lids and handles have pattern designs dating from 1915 to the early 1920s and show the typical style of 'mounted' ware of this period. Biscuit barrels were undoubtedly popular!
Patterns: clockwise, from 1581 (purple, at left), 1705, 1699, 1504, 1922, 958, A1660, 1989
Originator unknown