Pattern No: 7913

Pattern Name Design Type Designer Likely Design Date
Not known Floral Susie Cooper 1928


If the amount of 7913 pots seen at auction and on auction sites is anything to go by, this pattern probably vies with 7996 to be Gray’s most popular floral pattern. It has been recorded on a wide range of tea and coffee ware, on jugs of various shapes and sizes, plates (round, square and octagonal), beakers, bowls, trays, sandwich sets, preserve pots, egg-cups, condiment sets, cheese dishes and candlesticks.

Susie Cooper was always conscious of the need to design patterns whose execution in volume production would fit well within the capabilities of the factory and its decorators. This is an example of that policy in practice because, even though 7913 could be described as ‘busy’ and ‘bold’, it actually uses Gray’s traditional floral and leaf shapes, elements typical of the freehand motifs for which the employees were trained.

A factory reference card states: Floral Border painted in Blue, Scarlet, Orange, Black and Green. Edge and handles finished in Coral.

Search key: cheese/butter

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