Pattern No: 8115

Pattern Name Design Type Designer Likely Design Date
Not known Lustre - silver Susie Cooper 1928


This pattern is on Johnson’s Greydawn earthenware, which, as its name implies, is grey/blue. Gray’s Pottery used Greydawn for a number of its designs but Rosedawn (pink), Goldendawn (yellow) and Greendawn (green) much less so.
Gray’s Greydawn patterns recorded so far are:
• from 1928/9: numbers 8115, 8413, 8455
• from 1938: A5527
• from 1946/7: A8293, A8453, A8458, A8465 and A8471

The side-angled teapot in the first image has only been recorded for Gray’s Greydawn patterns: see the examples for 8413 and 8455. (Note the 8115 pot has a damaged spout).

The last image is from the 1930 edition Decorative Art 1930, The Studio Year Book and appears to show pattern 8115 (there’s a reference to ‘lavender ground’).

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P Forbes
Originator unknown
M Maybrey
© The Studio Yearbook