Pattern No: 8560

Pattern Name Design Type Designer Likely Design Date
Not known Lustre - silver Not known 1930


The use of a ‘bird/bird on gate’ motif in a lustre pattern as seen in pattern 8560 is not unusual for Gray’s Pottery. Early patterns such as 7022, 7366, 7367, 7478, 7519 and 8700 use a bird motif as do later patterns A1363, A9331, A9333, A9340, A9341, A9343, A9344, A9353, A9355 and A9364.

A pattern sold by the London retailer Heal & Son.
It’s difficult to see any difference between this and pattern 8630!

A large plate is illustrated (in black & white) in Design in the Home, edited by Noel Carrington, Country Life Ltd 1933, figure 376, page 149: Plate in silver lustre. Designer: Susie Cooper. Made by A.E. Gray & Co. Ltd.
A similar plate is shown in Art and Craft of the Potter, Gordon M Forsyth, Chapman & Hall Ltd 1934, plate 50: Plate decorated with silver lustre, designed by Miss Susie Cooper.
This is an example of where the attribution of particular designs to Miss Cooper is problematical: (a) pattern 8560 (and its identical pattern 8630) are beyond the projected number limit, at approximately 8450, of patterns expected to have been created by her and (b) despite a large number of examples of 8560 pots having been recorded, none has the Susie Cooper ‘Liner’ backstamp D1.

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