Pattern No: A4651
Pattern Name | Design Type | Designer | Likely Design Date |
Not known | Floral | Not known | 1938 |
If the amount of A4651 pots seen at auction and on auction sites is anything to go by, this must have been a popular pattern. It has been recorded on a wide range of both useful and ornamental ware such as jugs of various shapes, plates of various shapes, trays and lamp bases, but no tea, coffee or dinner ware.
The jug shape shown in the renatony image was known as a Paris jug on the works and was supplied by Lancaster/Lancaster & Sandland. In the mid-1930s a new jug shape was used, almost certainly made by Kirkland. It is characterised by a chunkier handle and the lack of an understamp beneath the Gray’s backstamp: see the Originator unknown image.
Gray’s Pottery often supplied its lamp bases with matching shades, as can be seen from the company’s catalogue page of 1937/8 (last image).
The jug shape shown in the renatony image was known as a Paris jug on the works and was supplied by Lancaster/Lancaster & Sandland. In the mid-1930s a new jug shape was used, almost certainly made by Kirkland. It is characterised by a chunkier handle and the lack of an understamp beneath the Gray’s backstamp: see the Originator unknown image.
Gray’s Pottery often supplied its lamp bases with matching shades, as can be seen from the company’s catalogue page of 1937/8 (last image).