Pattern No: D387

Pattern Name Design Type Designer Likely Design Date
Not known Print - enamelled prints Not known 1956-60


Three sailing ship prints have been recorded for this pattern:
Sovereign of the Seas (images one and two)
Flying Cloud (images three and seven) – image three has a Gray’s Fondeville (Made in Staffordshire) backstamp
Great Republic (images four, five and six). The ship’s name does not appear on the tea caddy, probably because the print had to be cropped to fit the shape.

As is so often the case with Gray’s patterns incorporating a verse, there are variations regarding which verse is used with which print and the logic is not always obvious! Here, the tall tankard has verse 1V, the jumbo cup and the tea caddy 2V, the squat tankard 4V, the large cup 12V and its saucer 7V (see the Prints & Verses, Verses section).

A pattern sold by the North American retailer Fondeville.

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maxyjunque (USA)