Pattern No: A8551
Pattern Name | Design Type | Designer | Likely Design Date |
Coaching Scenes | Print - enamelled prints | SC Talbot | 1948 |
If the amount of A8551 pots seen at auction and on auction sites is anything to go by, this must have been a very popular pattern. It has been recorded on a wide range of ware such as coffee sets, jugs of various shapes, plates of various shapes, preserve pots and, notably, many tobacco jars (humidors).
A high percentage of the pots recorded has been in the USA, undoubtedly a reflection of the influence of the British government’s introduction of regulations concerning decorated pottery during the Second World War: the manufacture of decorated pots for the Home market was largely forbidden in order to encourage and develop export sales.
The image shown here, taken from a company information photograph, was used for an advertisement which appeared regularly in Pottery Gazette from June 1948 to December 1949 (see the Adverts section).
The label on the back of the photograph reads in full:
PATT.NO.A8551. “Coaching Scenes”. Printed in Black
painted in-Tang,Yellow,Blue Green & Brown. The finish
is in Copper Lustre.
PATT.NO.A8552. “Hunting Scenes”. Printed in Brown.
painted in-Tang, Yellow,Green,Brown & Grey. Finish
is in Copper Lustre.
PATT.NO.A8526. Stoneware. “Hunting Scenes”. Printed i
Brown, painted in-Tang, Yellow, Green, Brown & Grey.
Finish is in Copper Lustre.
PATT.NO.A7894. Ship printed in Black. Painted in Silve
Br own,(sails) Blue & Green. Printed verse at back.
Finish is in Copper Lustre.
The jug (centre), lidded box (centre) and square dish (front left) are the examples of A8551.
The coffee pot in the fourth image would have been supplied with a lid.
The six mugs shown in the sixth image comprise patterns A8551 (centre row) and A8552 (top and bottom rows).
A high percentage of the pots recorded has been in the USA, undoubtedly a reflection of the influence of the British government’s introduction of regulations concerning decorated pottery during the Second World War: the manufacture of decorated pots for the Home market was largely forbidden in order to encourage and develop export sales.
The image shown here, taken from a company information photograph, was used for an advertisement which appeared regularly in Pottery Gazette from June 1948 to December 1949 (see the Adverts section).
The label on the back of the photograph reads in full:
PATT.NO.A8551. “Coaching Scenes”. Printed in Black
painted in-Tang,Yellow,Blue Green & Brown. The finish
is in Copper Lustre.
PATT.NO.A8552. “Hunting Scenes”. Printed in Brown.
painted in-Tang, Yellow,Green,Brown & Grey. Finish
is in Copper Lustre.
PATT.NO.A8526. Stoneware. “Hunting Scenes”. Printed i
Brown, painted in-Tang, Yellow, Green, Brown & Grey.
Finish is in Copper Lustre.
PATT.NO.A7894. Ship printed in Black. Painted in Silve
Br own,(sails) Blue & Green. Printed verse at back.
Finish is in Copper Lustre.
The jug (centre), lidded box (centre) and square dish (front left) are the examples of A8551.
The coffee pot in the fourth image would have been supplied with a lid.
The six mugs shown in the sixth image comprise patterns A8551 (centre row) and A8552 (top and bottom rows).
Similar Patterns
None yet listed.