Pattern No: D1401

Pattern Name Design Type Designer Likely Design Date
Not known 1950s Not known 1956-60


A significant number of examples of the black design as seen in the first four images has been recorded and, where marked, they have the pattern number D1401. The red example in the fifth image is marked D1401/4 and the green example in the last image also has a number after the oblique symbol (illegible) suggesting Gray’s frequent use of a suffix to indicate a different colourway of the same basic pattern.

The small, single, flower vase in the third image (75mm/3” diameter) is a Kirkland shape and was made in single, double, triple (straight) and triple (right-angled) forms.

Both vases in the fourth image have a Gray’s N3 Clipper backstamp but no pattern number. They also appear to have an impressed maker’s mark which is likely to be Johnson Bros, England: a rather quirky shape but one which no doubt fitted the times!

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Originator unknown
Originator unknown