Pattern No: D1538
Pattern Name | Design Type | Designer | Likely Design Date |
Not known | Print - enamelled prints | Not known | 1956-60 |
Most items so far recorded for this pattern carry the words: DESIGNED BY PETER MEDWAY NAIROBI, as shown in the third image.
Jambo means Hello in Swahili, Kwa Heri is Goodbye, Ngoma is a drum and Hatari is danger.
A multi-faceted bowl has also been recorded for this pattern.
The two tankards shown in the first image have no pattern number marked.
Jambo means Hello in Swahili, Kwa Heri is Goodbye, Ngoma is a drum and Hatari is danger.
A multi-faceted bowl has also been recorded for this pattern.
The two tankards shown in the first image have no pattern number marked.
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