Pattern No: D647

Pattern Name Design Type Designer Likely Design Date
Gaiety Ware Banded - plain Not known 1955


D647, named Gaiety Ware in 1959, was regularly advertised in Pottery Gazette from August 1956 to December 1957 and was the subject of a feature in Pottery and Glass in May 1955 and its accompanying illustration was used in July 1956.

Judging by the number of D647 pots seen at auction, it must have been a popular pattern. As the illustrations here show, it was created in a wide range of useful ware shapes, but not in ornamental ware.

Rarely is the pattern number seen on any D647 pots and the name Gaiety Ware has not yet (June 2021) been seen printed on a pot.

The last image is a collection of 1950s pots exhibiting the characteristic incised bands which are a feature of D647. The yellow and blue pots in the foreground are ‘TV or snack sets’: a cup on a rectangular plate with a small well, on which to place sandwiches or cakes. This pottery combination has its origins in the ‘tennis sets’ of the early 20th century. The colours mentioned in the Press are:
… strong green, blue, black, yellow and turquoise (May 1955); pillarbox red (July 1956); cherry red, lime green, black, jasmine yellow, drake neck green, grey (August 1956).

Similar Patterns

None yet listed.


R&J Bailey
Originator unknown
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