Pattern No: 9113

Pattern Name Design Type Designer Likely Design Date
Not known Lustre - silver Not known 1930


These heraldic designs, often with small amounts of gold lustre, are marked with a name and the date (possibly) 1421 (for the top four pots) or 1535 (fifth pot) on the reverse or base. From the top:
– Hugh Stafford Lord Bourchier,
– (left) Felbrigge, (right) Hugh Lord Burnell,
– Ralph Lord Bassett,
– Arundel,
– John Lyte.

In a most comprehensive and helpful reply, Ms K McQuillian of the St George’s Chapel Archives & Chapter Library in Windsor Castle supplied most of the following information:

“The following seem to be the most likely candidates for the names of Knights of the Garter as written on your pots:
– Hugh Stafford, Lord Bouchier, KG 1418-1420 (Fought at Battle of Agincourt)
– Simon Felbrigge, KG 1398-1442 (In retinue of John of Gaunt at relief of Brest. Fought at Battle of Agincourt)
– Hugh 2nd Lord Burnell, KG 1407-1420
– Ralph 4th Lord Bassett of Drayton, KG 1368-1390
– Thomas Fitzalan 5th Earl of Arundel, KG 1400-1415 (Lord Treasurer 1413-1415) / John Fitzalan 7th Earl of Arundel, KG 1432-1435 (Governor of Rouen and served in the French wars. Created Duke of Touraine in France by the Regent, John Duke of Bedford)

“I and my colleagues are unaware of any significance of the year 1421, either for the people listed (not all of whom were still alive by that year), or in the history of St George’s Chapel and the Order of the Garter, or in the history of this country.”

Hence, the significance of the number 1421, if it is indeed a date, and which appears on most of the pots, remains a mystery.

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