Pattern No: A8834

Pattern Name Design Type Designer Likely Design Date
Hunting Print - enamelled prints Not known 1950


If the amount of A8834 pots seen at auction and on auction sites is anything to go by, this must have been an extremely popular pattern, at home and throughout Gray’s export markets. It has been recorded on a wide range of useful and decorative ware such as plates of various shapes and sizes, coffee cans & saucers, tankards, mugs, jugs, tennis/television sets, circular lidded boxes, rectangular lidded cigarette boxes, pot lids, tobacco jars/humidors and Tom & Jerry punch sets, popular in the USA (see third image).

All the tobacco jars recorded carry the Dunhill retailer’s mark, often with the words PARIS FABR.ANGLAISE indicating sale through Dunhill in Paris.

Verses 6V, 8V and 10V have been recorded alongside the Hunting print: see the website section Prints & Verses, Verses.

The brass plaque in the first image is marked pattern D308. It is 283mm/11” diameter and the Gray’s tile within it 154mm/6” diameter. It is thought that the brass mounts were supplied by Peerage Brass of Birmingham.

The jug in the fourth image is not a common shape for Gray’s Pottery. It was made by Kirkland of Etruria, as can be easily seen by the ‘understamp’.

The first and the sixth images show ‘TV or snack sets’: a cup on a rectangular plate with a small well, on which to place sandwiches or cakes. This pottery combination has its origins in the ‘tennis sets’ of the early 20th century.

The small jug in the seventh image was known as a ‘Castle’ jug at Gray’s Pottery: see the website section Retailers, North America – USA, Skinners for more information on these jugs.

The pattern appeared in Pottery and Glass in April 1950 in a feature called Quality Corner, where the name Hunting is mentioned.

A pattern sold by the London and Paris retailer Dunhill.

Patterns A8829, A8834 and A9010 probably rank as three of Gray’s most popular post-war designs.

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