Pattern No: A8829

Pattern Name Design Type Designer Likely Design Date
Not known Print - enamelled prints Not known 1949


If the amount of A8829 pots seen at auction and on auction sites is anything to go by, this must have been an extremely popular pattern, at home and throughout Gray’s export markets. It has been recorded on a wide range of useful and decorative ware such as plates, tankards, mugs, jugs, teapot stand tiles, tennis/television sets and, in particular, tobacco jars/humidors.

Many examples of tobacco jars have been recorded: in Australia, Canada, France, Italy and in the USA, as well as in the UK. They have a variety of backstamps, mostly Clipper N6 (1948-61), but also Portmeirion showing that the design continued in production after the transition to Portmeirion Pottery in 1962. Several examples carry the Dunhill retailer’s mark, often with the words PARIS, FABR.ANGLAISE indicating sale through Dunhill in Paris.
These tobacco jars only have The Jolly Waggoner print, whereas that print, Wayside Inn, The Barley Mow and Ye Olde Jug Inn prints appear on various other shapes as seen in the examples shown. Similarly, various verses are used including 5V, 6V, 7V and 8V (see the Prints & Verses, Verses section).

This design has been recorded with green, instead of copper, lines.

The third and fourth images are of Antique-shaped jugs, the upper one 110mm/4¼” high, the lower 80mm/3¼”. The variation of size probably accounts for the use of different sized verses.

The small jug in the fifth image was known as a ‘Castle’ jug at Gray’s Pottery: see the website section Retailers, North America – USA, Skinners for more information on these jugs.

The sixth image is of a pot lid, an item which follows a 19th century tradition of cylindrical pots with decorated lids often containing medicinal ointments. Gray’s produced just the lids, for decorative purposes, sometimes framed in wood – often there are two holes on the back through which to tie a hanging string.

The seventh image is of a ‘TV or snack set’: a cup on a rectangular plate with a small well, on which to place sandwiches or cakes. This pottery combination has its origins in the ‘tennis sets’ of the early 20th century.

A pattern sold by the London and Paris retailer Dunhill.

Patterns A8829, A8834 and A9010 probably rank as three of Gray’s most popular post-war designs.

Similar Patterns

None yet listed.


N Gutierrez, N.G Pipes (France)
llrae (USA)
Originator unknown
Originator (in Australia) unknown