Pattern No: D2330

Pattern Name Design Type Designer Likely Design Date
Not known Print - enamelled prints Not known 1956-60


The inscription reads Society of Goffers at Blackheath and relates to the foundation of the game of golf as we know it today.
The print appears to be based on a painting created by Lemuel Francis Abbott in 1790, from which a mezzotint engraving was produced shortly afterwards.
The Gray’s image copies reasonably accurately all the elements of the original painting.

The twin-handled mug shown has two pattern numbers on the base: D2330 and S1582. The latter number relates to the words Exclusive to Mottahedeh also printed on the base. Other examples of the pattern, such as a jumbo cup, have been recorded without S1582 and the reference to Mottahedeh. Similarly, the antique-shaped jug shown in the third image also has two pattern numbers on the base: D2330 and S158O. The latter number relates to the words Exclusive to Mottahedeh also printed on the base.

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Originator (in the USA) unknown
sharonjayne1955 (USA)